Your study plan includes 3 CFU in “Other useful skills for the job market” at the third year.
Originally these CFU should be get by means of laboratory activities (we planned three laboratories, Lab Start Up, Management and Reporting of EU Funding and Well-being places and practices–Lab). Due to the high number of enrolled studies, these labs couldn’t be activated this year.
Below in this page you find some activities to get these 3 CFU and others will be proposed in the next months, on a regular basis.
You are free to choose the activity you prefer. You can plan to get these 3 CFU in your third year or before. It doesn’t matter. No any communication is required in advance, unless it is strictly required by the call (as in the case of selective projects). Once you will have completed the activity, you will follow the provided instructions (they can change with the type of activity) to get the CFU.