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European language proficiency test

The SUSBUS activity plan for the third year includes a B2-level European Language proficiency test (6 CFU) to be taken at the UNIFI Language Center (CLA). External certifications will not be accepted for the validation of these credits.

About the Test

The B2-level written comprehension test assesses the ability to understand an article or report that presents specific positions or viewpoints (argumentative text).

It consists of two written texts on different topics, each followed by five multiple-choice questions.

Each passage contains approximately 500 words and is written in standard language. Students must identify both the information and the arguments presented. The texts are sourced from academic materials, newspaper articles, and popular magazines.

Available languages include:

  • German
  • French
  • Spanish
  • Portuguese
  • Italian

Students must complete the exam in a European language that is not their native language. A citizenship check is conducted before credit registration.

Test Scheduling and Registration

  • The test is available from September to June
  • Booking is mandatory and can be done online (link here) or at CLA offices
  • Exam dates are usually published on the 15th of the previous month
  • If a student fails, the test can be retaken every two months

After passing the test, the CLA will send the certificate directly to the student secretariat, which will register it in your academic record.

Although this test is part of third-year activities, it can be taken and registered in your academic record at any time.

CLA Training courses

The CLA offers language learning programs in French, Portuguese, Spanish, German, and Italian for foreigners.

More details about the schedule and application process can be found here for other Eurropean languages and here for the Italian language (these pages are in Italian but can be easily translated using Google Chrome).




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