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Cooperative Economy LAB

Cooperatives play a vital role in the business world and are deeply aligned with sustainable social principles. This training lab will provide you with in-depth knowledge on how cooperatives operate, how they are committed to mutual social values, and connect you with relevant job opportunities.

  • Maximum number of participants: 20 students
  • Eligibility: Open to all students with proficiency in the Italian language (no selection process)
  • Registration: To enroll, students must complete this GForm. The first 20 students who register will be selected
  • Deadline for registration: April 4, 1:00 PM
  • Selected student could request the registration of 3 CFU in their study plan as a laboratory activity.

Laboratory Program


Friday, May 16, 3:00 – 5:00 PM

Meeting with representatives of Legacoop Toscana. Presentation on mutualist and cooperative principles, with a particular focus on worker cooperatives and social cooperatives.


Thursday, May 22, morning

Participation in the Legacoop Toscana Biennial Cooperation Event (on-site event at Piazza Santissima Annunziata, Florence). The specific project work will be defined.


Friday, June 6, 3:00 PM – 6:00 PM

    • Meeting with a social cooperative from the Metropolitan Area (Legacoop Toscana affiliate). Discussion with representatives from the administrative sector and quality sector.Focus on skills required for social cooperative managers, social impact assessment, and corporate social responsibility (CSR) in alignment with Agenda 2030 goals.
    • Meeting with a worker cooperative from the Metropolitan Area (Production & Services sector). Discussion on skills required for worker cooperative managers, intellectual capital development, social responsibility, and performance indicator analysis in alignment with Agenda 2030 goals.
    • Project Work Proposal. The session will focus on topics covered during the meetings.




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