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Internship requirements

An internship of 150 hours (6 CFU) is a required component of the Bachelor’s Degree Course in SUSBUS. While it is officially part of the third-year activities, students are free to complete and register the internship during their first or second year if they wish.

The internship can be carried out at:

    • An external public or private institution (external internship).
    • The University of Florence (UNIFI) structures (internal internship) – applicable to students enrolling from a.y. 2025-26.

Finding an internship

To identify a suitable firm/organization for an internship:

  • Consult the database available here for firms/organizations that have an agreement with UniFi to accept students as interns.
  • Once a suitable position is found, students can apply—similar to a job application.
  • If accepted, students must follow the steps outlined on this page, starting with Enabling the Internship.

Establishing a new internship agreement

If a student wishes to intern at a firm/organization without an existing agreement with UniFi, it is possible to establish one:

  • The firm/organization must access the database here to initiate the agreement process (credentials required).
  • Credentials can be obtained by clicking “iscrizione on line” on the same page
  • Further information can be requested at

Mandatory safety course

Before starting the internship, students must complete the General Safety Training course and pass the corresponding test.

  • The course is available online (E-learning mode) in both Italian and English and can be accessed here
  • After completing the course, students must wait at least 24 hours before booking their test here
  • The course certificate can be requested one week after passing the test by emailing

Students who already possess a safety training certificate—whether obtained through a basic course in high school or at a non-UNIFI facility/university—can request recognition by sending the certificate to The alternative course must have the same duration as the UNIFI course (4 hours) to be considered valid.

Recognition of external internship experience

Students can request recognition for internship experiences abroad or internships managed independently. To request recognition, students must submit the following documents to

  • Certification of the internship (e.g., job contract or equivalent) signed by the employer, stating the internship period (minimum 150 hours).
  • A detailed report describing the activities performed during the internship.

The recognition of external internships is subject to approval by the Course Didactic Committee.




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