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What is Erasmus

Thanks to agreements made with universities in other countries, students can spend a period abroad to study and have the opportunity to deal with other contexts, with the possibility - in some cases - to receive a financial contribution.


How to do an Erasmus
Incoming and outgoing ERASMUS program is managed directly by the School of Economics and Management (click here to dedicated page).


The duration of the study abroad period is usually 6 months, but can vary from 2 to 12 months. For more information, you should visit the School of Economics and Management website, also checking the mobility notices.


Exam recognition
Recognition of exams taken abroad is done by the Course of Study on the basis of exams courses taken abroad. To facilitate the process, a preliminary screening should be conducted with the Course of Study's professor responsable for the ERASMUS program.


Key Dates
  • January-February (first/second year): disclosure of call for applications. It is necessary to apply in the first (or second) year to have the opportunity to leave.
  • February-March (first/second year): call for applications deadline. Choice of host country and study plan. Contact professor responsable for the ERASMUS for help.
  • September (second/third year): departure in case Erasmus takes place in the first semester.
  • February-March (second/third year): departure in case Erasmus takes place in the second semester.
  • Erasmus 2024-25 presentation


Learning Agreement online submission


Contact Person

For any further information refer to Professor Laura Bini, 




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